Calculate live currency and foreign exchange rates today easily with these free currency converters, e.g. USD to INR, EUR to INR, GBP to INR, etc.
Universal Currency Converter
Enter the money amount and choose any two currencies to calculate the exchange rate today, e.g. USD to EUR, CAD to USD, etc.
Indian Rupee Currency Converters
These exchange rate calculators let you easily convert Indian Rupees to US Dollars or any other currency and the other way around, e.g. 1 USD to INR, AED to INR, AUD to INR, CAD to INR, EUR to INR, GBP to INR, NZD to INR, QAR to INR, etc. and vice versa.
You can click the “From” or “To” fields to select other currency conversions.
Indian Rupee (INR) ➜ US Dollar (USD)
US Dollar (USD) ➜ Indian Rupee (INR)
The Currency Converter is powered by India |
Note: In India, Foreign Exchange or Forex trading is not allowed!